LEND AN EAR TO VAN GOGH (04/18/2012)

In 1890 the artist, Vincent Van Gogh went into a cornfield and shot himself...Really?...and so on this premise of doubt, SACRE BLEU by Christopher Moore was conceived.

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This book is a tongue in cheek comedy full of art, death, mystery, and quirky characters. Art history is  irreverently rewritten by this author...but with inventive prose and poignant imagery.

Moore decided to write this novel based on the color blue. "Maybe it's a clue to Van Gogh's untimely death" Moore says.... 

Sacre Bleu is "an engaging and imaginative look at the impressionist era"
Or, as it says in the prelude: "Blue, she is like a woman."  (whatever that means....)
A fun read!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Geeze what a morning, my computer doesn't seem to be my friend this morning. Somehow I just deleted the comment I posted a minute ago. Okay so I posted that I enjoyed your review and I have been wanting to pick up this book. I am an old follower, visiting your blog. :)

  3. Thanks so much for your comment,Isabella! I check out your blog too....THis book is a strange one but definitely worth reading. Let me know what you think about it..Appreciate all reviews from readers. J

  4. I really like Christopher Moore, but I haven't read this one. I'll be sure to check it out. Sounds good. Great blog!

  5. It was number three on the NYTimes best seller list yesterday. He has a loyal following...thank you and let me know what you think of the book.
