Every once in awhile a book debuts that causes a major buzz amongst book people. A GOD IN RUINS by Kate Atkinson Is buzzing non stop. It's a campanion piece to LIFE AFTER LIFE and it probably helps  if you've read the first one. Reviews have been over the top and the review below by author Tom Perotta says it all....


"But then you read a novel like Kate Atkinson’s “A God in Ruins,” a sprawling, unapologetically ambitious saga that tells the story of postwar Britain through the microcosm of a single family, and you remember what a big, old-school novel can do. Atkinson’s book covers almost a century, tracks four generations, and is almost inexhaustibly rich in scenes and characters and incidents. It deploys the whole realist bag of tricks, and none of it feels fake or embarrassing. In fact, it’s a masterly and frequently exhilarating performance by a novelist who seems utterly undaunted by the imposing challenges she’s set for herself."

Sounds like a must read...Is it really, really necessary to read LIFE AFTER LIFE first?  The response is a "yes" by most readers and reviewers.. Do you agree? Leave a comment.....

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