I think you'll notice I'm not posting as much...lots of summer distractions!! Reading is still a big part of my life so I'll be blogging, just not as frequently. Be sure to check out Joyce's Choices/Book Blog on Facebook for additional book news and bookish info....

However, I just heard from a blog reader and want to share her recent review on Goodreads...(so much for not posting as much....)

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A novel of shattering poignancy, this story of a family's attempts to heal itself would be unimaginably sad, were it not for the fact that Michael—he who would be saved—has the very best lines. In four or five set pieces, each a tour de force, author Adam Haslett gives Michael the pen, and what follows are wickedly brilliant reports from the front: family interventions; convolutions on white privilege; a personal history of psychotropics; a supposedly disastrous ocean crossing; and a truly horrific historical one. And, from Margaret, the mother, the wife, a simply gorgeous last line.

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